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How do I get involved in Competition Riding through Motorcycling Australia?

Step 1: Join a club – Locate your local club (Motorcycling Australia associated) and contact your local association for a ridernet account.

Step 2: Download the Kick Start Book (below).

Step 3: Complete Assessment 2 on our online course (this can also be found on pages 26-28 of the Kick Start booklet). 

Step 4:  When you complete this, you will be given a date to commence the practical assessment. (The coach will assess in accordance with the minimum requirements of assessment 1 on pages 24-25 of the Kickstart booklet for this). 

Step 5: The coach will provide your documents to upload to your ridetnet account. Once approved you will be able to apply and purchase a ‘Junior National’ or ‘Junior Restricted’ license through Ridernet.  More information on the type of license you require can be found on Ridernet

Step 6:  Check out the Calendar for events and ride!

Online Course 

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